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SDTEF also serves as the convening and facilitating body for the [https://www.sdcta.org/prosboard Public Regional Outcomes Standards] Initiative.
[https://www.sdcta.org/memberships/sdcta-membership-lbhd3 '''Join SDTEF''']
== About the San Diego County Taxpayers Association ==
[https://www.sdcta.org/about-us SDCTA] is San Diego's non-profit, non-partisan, local public policy think tank and government watchdog group. We work to reduce the need for tax revenue or taxpayer debt by advocating for policies that create efficiencies in public services, which affect San Diegans’ quality of life and against policies that disengage, disaffect, and disenfranchise the taxpayer.
[https://www.sdcta.org/join '''Join SDCTA'''] to get access to exclusive events like the [[SDCTA Golden Awards]] and make your voice heard in San Diego public policy!
Want to learn more? [https://www.sdcta.org/comms See us in the press] or subscribe to our newsletter!
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