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Escondido Sales Tax: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "The City of Escondido is facing a projected structural budget deficit, meaning the City will be spending more than it receives in tax revenue. To address the deficit, the City is considering increasing the sales tax by either ½ cent, ¾ cent, or 1 cent. The current sales tax rate in Escondido is one of the lowest in the county, at 7.75%. The most recent sales tax increase proposal that would affect Escondido was the county-wide Let’s Go! San Diego initiative. This mea...")
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Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara, Deputy Mayor Tina Inscoe, and Director of Finance Christina Holmes have expressed support for the measure. Escondido City Councilmember Joe Garcia highlighted concerns regarding its transparency, primarily the fact that the City’s biggest budget issue is their unfunded pension liability.<ref>[https://www.times-advocate.com/articles/council-moves-toward-vote-on-sale-tax-measure/], Ross, David. “Council moves toward vote on sale tax measure.” Escondido Times-Advocate. July 21, 2022</ref>
The SDCTA took a position of opposition to the proposed sales tax. The SDCTA has concerns about the impact of a sales tax increase on lower-income taxpayers and whether the increase will directly address the underlying issue of the projected budget deficit. A more in-depth analysis of the proposed sales tax increase can be found in the [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/631119beb26b4f4d2a865f83/t/631a44a1a673f13cc834308e/1662665890074/Escondido+Municipal+Analysis.pdf SDCTA’s position paper].
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