Homelessness Services: Difference between revisions

Started Non- and Semi-Public entities section with citations.
(Added details to Vista with a citation.)
(Started Non- and Semi-Public entities section with citations.)
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When approaching the policy issue of homelessness as a voter, it is helpful to understand the landscape of the entities addressing homelessness in the region.
'''San Diego County''' government, led by the Board of Supervisors, is divided among four main branches: 1) Public Safety, 2) Land Use, 3) Finance & General Government, and 4) the Health and Human Services Agency (HSSA).<ref>https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/cao/organization.html</ref> The fourth branch, HHSA, is the umbrella under which homelessness services fall. Particularly, these services are handled by the [https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/hsec/ Homelessness Solutions and Equitable Communities division], which was established by the county Board of Supervisors on July 1, 2021 to “achieve enhanced coordination of existing and new County homeless and equitable community efforts and to serve as a central point of collaboration for outside partners to ensure equity among all San Diegans and to reduce homelessness in the region.”<ref>https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/hsec/about.html</ref>
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* '''Solana Beach''' does not list any homeless task forces or action plans on the city government website as of September 2022.
* '''Vista''' has a Housing and Homeless Services Division. Vista's [https://www.cityofvista.com/home/showpublisheddocument/22665/637238432318370000 Homeless Response Plan] describes an internal Homelessness Task Force, a Homelessness Prevention Pilot Program, a Home Share Coordination Service, and a Downtown Daytime Outreach Program, all led by the Housing division. The Public Works department is responsible for Encampment Clean-Up programs which occur quarterly. Vista reports that from October 2022 - June 2022, 77 individuals were sheltered totaling 4,089 nights, and there were 2,426 instances of service by a social worker.<ref>https://www.cityofvista.com/city-services/housing-homeless-services/addressing-homelessness/by-the-numbers</ref>
The [https://www.rtfhsd.org/ San Diego Regional Task Force of Homelessness (RTFH)] is a major player in the San Diego region's homelessness response. RTFH "engages stakeholders in a community-based process that works to 1) End homelessness for all individuals and families throughout the region, 2) Address the underlying causes of homelessness, [and] 3) Lessen the negative impact of homelessness on individuals, families and communities. The RTFH is made up of representatives from the County of San Diego, non-profit service providers, religious organizations, law enforcement and other interested parties."<ref>https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/sdhcd/ending-homelessness/cofc.html</ref> The RTFH is therefore a Continuum of Care (CoC), a "regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals"<ref>https://endhomelessness.org/resource/what-is-a-continuum-of-care/</ref> which also makes reports to agencies such as the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Details from HUD about Continuums of Care can be found [https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/comm_planning/coc here].
For a San Diego county voter looking for a quantified understanding of the homeless issue and services landscape, [https://www.rtfhsd.org/reports-data/ RTFH's reports] are a helpful starting point. These include Community Analysis and Performance dashboards, Performance Measures reports, Housing Inventory Counts, and homeless individual Point in Time counts.